Social media success is about building trust and relationships.

Social Media Success

Social media is transforming marketing worldwide. I’m sure you’ve spent substantial time hopping from one popular networking site to another. Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn…shall I go on?

If you’re here, I bet you’ve yet to discover the full potential of social media sites when it comes to marketing, and how you can profit significantly from their use.

Well, I’d like to change that for you now.

Social media is interactive. Your content, whether it be tweets or Facebook posts or any kind of connection to people, has to fit into the conversation. So, your content needs to be personal and believable. Through engagement, you get a deeper connection with potential prospects or existing clients. People start clicking through from your social media profile or posts to your website. That’s the hot button. At your site, they learn more about who you are and what you do…and what solutions you have for their problems and needs.

So, first you get people’s attention. By the way, a huge turn-off is the blunt, in-your-face advertising. Most people cringe from the constant ads thrown at them from the moment they crawl out of bed. Instead, you must inform, entertain and provide something interesting or useful to them. Yeah, it’s a weird world out in cyberspace. You want attention, you want to make sales, and yet you can’t shove ads down people’s throats. YOU HAVE TO CARE!

Enter into a conversation. Build relationships. People see you are REAL. They seek out more information at your website. BINGO! One step leads to another and sales blossom!

Would you like me to write your tweets or Facebook updates?

Would you like me to write your blog posts?

Would you like me to set up your Instagram business profile?

So, not only can I handle your online copy needs, I can look after your social media writing needs, too.

Get started now by filling out the Contact Form below. I’ll get back with you to assess your needs. I’ll include a Q&A of what exactly you’d like me to do and what your goal you’d like to accomplish.

Contact Me